Trademark Definition: Trademark can be a word, phrase, brand, symbol, design, sound, color, or combination of words, phrases, brands, symbols, designs, sounds or colors, which is used to identification and differentiation of your product and service from the other products and services.

Trademark is important for the identification of a product or a service in order to distinguish it from other products and services of a competing business. Using the trademark can enhance the credibility of the company, which contributes to the consolidation of the company’s position on the market. The trademark can be a word, phrase, logo, symbol, design, sound, color, or combination of words, phrases, signs, symbols, designs, sounds or colors.

After trademark registration, you will get exclusive rights, which allow you to prevent an unauthorized use of the trademark with words or logos that are identical or similar to your registered trademark. Enforcement of your rights will be much easier and more cost effective than relying on unregistered rights.